Before understanding this we need to know what is mobile SEO? Mobile SEO means optimization of the website through SEO for using in the mobile, tablets or Smartphones. It really impacts the website’s traffic and it can lead to down search engine ranking if it does not show the result of your website on a mobile phone’s search engine.
So it should be kept in mind while preparing your site if it
must be visible on the mobile phone so that users can easily use your site
related to your brand, products or services.
Importance of mobile-friendly SEO for your website
Customers reach easily
You can carry your mobile with you everywhere so
people visit your site with no matter they will have a carry desktop and it
increases search engine ranking.
As you know google is working on mobile SEO’s
algorithm update
Mobile SEO also helps in gaining the return on
Page speed matters a lot for a website and google
focusing on that page could be load with a higher speed in mobile also as in
How can you make your website mobile friendly?
The demand for using a website on mobile phones has been
increased because the mobile becomes an essential part of our life. Every
person prefer mobile it becomes the basic need of everyone, people do not like
to prefer computer always with him. So this is must that the brand-related website that you would make show on the mobile phone and tablets. SEO is a part
of digital marketing and it helps in increasing ranking to your website. People
do this digital
marketing training because digital marketing has become a big platform
for making your career. Digital marketing is the process of promoting products
or services on to the internet so that more and more people can reach their
product via search engines, social media, and others.
Make information
people look for easier to find
Usually, people prefer to search for their products or
service on mobile devices with fast speed. They do not like to open the browser in
computer because using the mobile becomes the basic need everywhere so it
should be kept in mind that put the information, images videos on pages of your site can be easily readable on the mobile’s browser.
Do not use flash
Always remember do not use flash on your website because of it
slows down page’s loading speed and if your site could not load with accurate
speed, the user or customer gain bad experience from your site and get
irritated or might be the shift to the other website. Then it will decrease
your SEO ranking.
Make your text,
button size large enough to work on mobile
Your website’s page and content should be visible on mobile
as in the desktop that web-users do not need to zoom out the content, images it
can be seen without zoom out images, text, content.
Make your website
If your website is not responsive on mobile as in the desktop then you never rank your website and it could not become
mobile-friendly. It must be displayed
and arranged on to the based of the mobile device and making your website
responsive is the best way of mobile-friendly.
Increase your brand
If your brand-related site visible properly in every kind of mobile design then it helps you increase your brand awareness. People will
search your site on mobile easily that’s why it automatically increase your
website traffic and more visibility on the search engines.
It is clear that mobile SEO is also important for improving
your website ranking on the search engine, Google is trying to work on mobile SEO. SEO
is a helpful process for increasing traffic, and ranking on SERP but you need to
do and learn advanced
SEO strategies because if you would know about SEO in advance you will
be able to apply on mobile SEO.